Thursday, September 20, 2012

Samson's return...

   Samson, our little cupid dog, is too busy traveling to stop by these days. He...and the pages he appears on, winged their way to London in a new submission.
    I had a huge debate with myself over this move...but since there are few comments about Samson and I dream of being published by Harlequin, I sent him away.
    It's a long wait...but I can entice you with some of Samson's antics.
The first, through no fault of his own, Samson was mistaken for a pile of rubbish and labeled a fire hazard. Let me tell you, fur did fly. And not Samson's. But I'd better stop...
Two, he is innocently sleeping in his tote, not bothering a soul...when...something startles him. He snarls, the heroine jumps and lets out a shriek, sending her hair clippers right--
You know what...I think I'd better keep a few secrets.

It's great that you stopped by...leave a comment.

In the meantime, while my other novels don't feature a darling pooch like Samson, you might like to read
The Substitute Bride... is now in paperback and e-book at
A Bride For Mr. Right...[the follow up story to The Sub. Bride] Kindle, iPad, Nook
Dr's Surprise Triplets, Wife available in Kindle, iPad, Nook
Flames of Deceit...oooh, the exciting romance with lots of murder and mayhem...Kindle, iPad, and Nook.

Stop by again...
Happy Reading!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Moving on...

    I stumbled on a review of WHEN A DOG PLAYS CUPID that I really opened my eyes.
It was a good review, one I quite enjoyed, but readers don't always understand why a book is crafted as it is. For example, I've read comments about this book being a romance without sex...'s true. This book was aimed for a publisher that didn't allow sex scenes in their publications. I enjoy writing sexual tension and not including the act, so it was a good fit.
    What didn't work for the publisher...the funeral home references...I refused to remove from this story. Why? Why not discard these scenes and reshape the story to the publisher's wishes? Because I wrote this story after my mother died. I was in pain and searching for ways to work through my grief. Writing helped, but I needed humor to cheer me up.
    Now, I ask you, what is any funnier, cuter, or more amusing than watching a tiny mutt act like a terror? Can't you just see him barking so hard he bounces off the floor? Did you laugh when he snarled at Kit's best friend and snapped at her hand?
     I did. Maybe it's just my sense of humor, but when I laughed...I felt better.
     Isn't that why we escape. To leave worries behind. To find a safe place? I always keep a book close by, how about you?
    So, many thanks for the 'Paws Up' review. Yes the book is clean...but since I always shared my books with my mother, that's the kind of book I like to read. In the end, what you read is your choice. Just keep reading.
    Life is short. Read all the books you can squeeze in!


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why I admire my father...

     Another Father's Day rolls around, without my dad. Ours was a very traditional family, with my mother making sure my father was the center. We loved him, feared him, admired him and stood in awe of him.
     My dad was a WWII veteran, a son, brother, uncle, farmer, inventor, an entrepreneur, a church member, loving husband and so much more, all wrapped into one word, father. A strict disciplinarian, he set high expectations for the four of us and taught us the meaning of working for our goals and dreams. We followed firm rules, worked hard and played together. I will always be grateful for my parents and all they taught us.
     I consider myself very fortunate to have a husband who is a great father, too. A veteran like my dad, which I mention because I think it affects their outlook on discipline, my husband's generation has fewer rough edges than my dad's.
     I can't write a Father's Day post without saying how lucky our sons were to have their father. He's loving, caring, dedicated to his family and a role model I'm proud to call husband.
     There's one more father I want to mention. Our oldest son, father of our precious new grandson. In our son, I see all the loving qualities of his father. Any father of a growing child faces challenges, but from his actions so far, we're certain our son will make the right decisions.
     So...with a tear in my eye and a heart full of love, I remember my dad and wish my husband and son a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why I admire Steve Jobs and my mother...

   I'll get to why I admire my father, later.
   My first experience with computers was with the Apple IIe in my Career Explorations classroom. I looked at that shiny red apple emblem and thought I had gone to Heaven. For the first time, all those lessons my typing teacher drilled in my head were put to use. I could type and remove mistakes. I was thrilled.
   Not only the machines, but I was using Steve J. and Steve W. as examples in the Career class. I read the details of their work in a garage and how they struggled to make their dream a reality. I used the details to inspire my students to pursue their interests.
   We bought an Apple IIGS at home. I thought the keyboard was the cutest thing I'd every seen. But, alas, along comes Tandy with a PC that's all one seperate keyboard, monitor, or processor and soon, Apple computers weren't replaced with newer models. Steve Jobs' name appeared in class presentations less often. It seemed Apple computer company had disappeared.
   Behind the scenes in the business world, Steve Jobs never gave up. We have proof of that today. His story is more inspiring than ever. Why? Because he had faith in himself. In his product. In his ability. He proved this to the world. He never quit.
   That's why I admire my mother's efforts so much. Things I never considered as a child are evident, now. The challenges my mother faced weren't as huge as those faced by big business, but to our family, to my father, her unfailing support meant everything.
   I wish I had realized all this while she was living.
We rarely get a chance to thank those who influence us most while they are alive. I thanked my mother for some of the things she did, but as time passes, as memories surface, I realize each day how much I owe her my thanks. My love. My respect.
   You see, like Steve Jobs, my mother never quit. Through snow storms and baking summer heat, she worked along side my father to support her family. I never realized all she did until now. It's her grit that keeps me going when a rejection letter arrives in the mail. She never quit. How can I?
    Steve Jobs made many of our tasks easier to accomplish because he never quit. My mother's determination reminds me every day to work hard for goals I want to achieve. Failure is not an option. If one idea doesn't work, try another angle.
    I never met Steve Jobs, but he changed our lives, changed the world.
    My mother changed my life and helped shape my world. Thanks to her love and perseverence, I learned the skills I need to pursue my dreams and use the tools Steve Jobs and Apple, and by their challenge, other companies created.
    I admire my mother and Steve Jobs for never giving up.
    As a writer...these two people are the good examples of great role models. How about you? Who do you admire?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


   And life have distracted me again!
Spring is coming...feel the fever? Soooo many things to do and so little time in the
Well, you know the drill.
   So, finally, I'm steaming along on the next book...not the follow up to Cupid...that idea is simmering on the back burner, but I can't wait. I love writing about dogs. In the next book in the Cupid series our favorite little pooch is still a star [at this point!!!]
   I'm writing and reading some wonderful books to keep up with 'market study'! [So much fun. Sometimes I forget to write and just keep reading.] That's actually a good thing. I'm expecting books to judge for a contest to arrive anyday and reading will be required! Goody!
   So, how do I write? I have files and files of ideas that always seem to hit when I'm in the middle of a manuscript. It's almost like my subconscious is taunting me to try another idea. On the current ms. I'm pulling out my hair...struggling for one page at a time. And then, wham-O. Days when my fingers can't keep up with my thoughts.
   Fingers crossed, stage set, hoping for another surge that will push the story to the mid-point with a lot of questions needing answers.
   Thanks for dropping by...leave a comment.
    How do you write or read? In surges or one big lump until the end?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Own your story...

  See the paw clutching his new Christmas toy? Luigi Man knows the frog is his...not to be shared with anyone.
  Writers want to share their stories, but don't always know or own that story. The premise gets lost. Too many characters, dramatic events, storylines or unfocused conflict.
  I'm two and a half chapters into this new ms and I want to OWN my story. I want to focus on the main charcters and their make the story a success.
  How will I do that?
  I've been is research...and love getting back in the writing mode. But it came as a shock when a well known author lost my interest after the midpoint of the book. Why? Too many 'gray-black moments' is all I can figure out. The climax fizzled for me...and the opening of this book was fantastic. I couldn't put it down. By the end, I had to force myself to keep reading.
  Okay, I know what you're thinking...she's famous...I'm not. What do I know?
  I'm a reader. I've consumed novels since seventh grade. Yes...that long ago. I haven't written a best seller...but as a reader, I know when a book disappoints me.
   What makes you lose interest in a book?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Distracted...and Sewing...Must get back to writing...

  Now that the new year has rolled around, I'm trying to focus on my goals for Jan. First, I need to get back in the writing groove.
  Ending last year with a finished manuscript was great, but a new year brings new opportunities.
  I'm starting the year with work on a romance project that's been 'simmering' for a while...
  In the mean time, the story for Kit's best friend is on simmer...and I'm starting research on a Big Project when I'm not writing.
  Lots of goals for 2012...but that's how I function. I guess it's the old 'gotta have lesson plans' habit still motivating me to plan.
  What about your goals for the new year? Anyone want to share their goals for this month? Or for 2012? Drop us a hint...we might want to follow your example.
  Until next time...'Follow your Dream'