Friday, July 12, 2013

Drew Webber...

Picture this...
     Kit McFarlan is working to keep a business afloat after her deceased grandmother took out a loan. And who walks in the door? The most drool-worthy man she’s ever seen. But this isn’t just any man. This world famous travel journalist is so charming he wins a smile when Kit would rather be home writing her novel than running the pet spa.
     But things get worse...Drew Webber isn’t alone.
     He’s brought the dreaded Samson with him. A three pound terror Kit can’t stand. But that’s not all. Drew Webber is the nephew of the heiress who loaned her grandmother the money for the spa. And he wants Kit to ‘dog-sit’ Samson while he goes to the hospital to visit his aunt.
     Drew is so relieved to get rid of the nasty little mutt, he’s almost looking forward to visiting a hospital. Kit McFarlan’s shocked expression was a photo-worthy moment if he’s ever seen one. But she makes his curious, too. Why would someone looking like Kit spend her days washing smelly dogs?
     But none of those thoughts can distract Drew from the dread building inside him. How serious is his aunt’s condition?