Tuesday, March 13, 2012


   And life have distracted me again!
Spring is coming...feel the fever? Soooo many things to do and so little time in the day...lol
Well, you know the drill.
   So, finally, I'm steaming along on the next book...not the follow up to Cupid...that idea is simmering on the back burner, but I can't wait. I love writing about dogs. In the next book in the Cupid series our favorite little pooch is still a star [at this point!!!]
   I'm writing and reading some wonderful books to keep up with 'market study'! [So much fun. Sometimes I forget to write and just keep reading.] That's actually a good thing. I'm expecting books to judge for a contest to arrive anyday and reading will be required! Goody!
   So, how do I write? I have files and files of ideas that always seem to hit when I'm in the middle of a manuscript. It's almost like my subconscious is taunting me to try another idea. On the current ms. I'm pulling out my hair...struggling for one page at a time. And then, wham-O. Days when my fingers can't keep up with my thoughts.
   Fingers crossed, stage set, hoping for another surge that will push the story to the mid-point with a lot of questions needing answers.
   Thanks for dropping by...leave a comment.
    How do you write or read? In surges or one big lump until the end?

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